The exact scope and details of every microlearning development project is unique in terms of the exact scope and details. However, there are certain similarities between most projects. Here are some details about “typical” microlearning projects.

Project duration

Project duration can vary drastically based on module type, volume, and customer needs. A ballpark estimate for a “typical” project is between eight and 16 weeks. Your involvement will vary depending on the project’s type and size and your specific role. Contact your Project Manager (PjM) for more information.

Projects start when contracts are signed between Waypoint and its customer. We consider them finished after our detailed reviews and testing processes confirm that content is fully qualified for publishing. A project’s development phase, where content is designed and created, typically starts around the fourth week of a project schedule and lasts between four and six weeks.

Project phases

Most projects have six phases:

  1. Engagement
  2. Initiation
  3. Design
  4. Development
  5. Publication
  6. Project closeout

This guide focuses on Phase 3 Design, phase 4 Development, and phase 5 Publication.

Three phases of development: Design, Development, Publishing

Note: This image provides a high-level overview of the module-creation process. For detailed information and activities, please refer to your project schedule and ask your PjM more information.